


Our Mission

The Division of 可持续发展与合规 supports student success by elevating the school system’s approach to environmental stewardship and by leading change to incorporate sustainable considerations in all decisions. Our work aims to ensure that healthy learning and working environments are equitably accessible across MCPS. We embrace our shared responsibility to build and operate facilities that contribute to the well-being of the school community, 还有地球的健康.

Our Vision

MCPS将通过创新走在环境管理的前沿, partnerships, 和创造性思维的启发意义重大, positive, and meaningful contributions that will sustain resilient communities for current and future generations.




每年,学校必须完成可持续发展行动计划(SAP), MCPS表格201-10, and submit it to the Division of 可持续发展与合规 no later than September 30. The SAP is an opportunity to tell us about the great sustainability programs that are taking place at your school and to learn about tips for successful sustainable actions. 


  • 列出你的回收协调员的名字, 食物垃圾分流协调员, 可持续发展小组组长, 团队成员.
  • 如果你的学校有一个学生领导的环保俱乐部,告诉我们有关它的一切. 
  • 让DSC知道我们可以如何帮助您实现可持续发展目标. 

如果您需要帮助完成您的SAP,请发送电子邮件 sustainability@mcpsmd.org.



Did you know that the energy we use during peak hours in the summer affects the price MCPS pays for electricity costs all year? 以帮助减少夏季的能源使用量, MCPS has instituted a curtailment of air conditioning operations in schools from 4-5 p.m. 通过在下午晚些时候使用更少的能源, 我们可以减少全年的电费. 



The Division of 可持续发展与合规 holds an annual poster contest to increase awareness about the importance of environmental sustainability, 节能, waste reduction, 负责任的回收. Students and staff are invited to participate in the contest and then vote for the winning entries. 投票于2024年5月28日结束; 点击这里查看获奖名单!


在Loiederman MS的2024年地球日活动中工作的志愿者

On Earth Day, April 22, 2024, nearly 1,000名MCPS学生, staff, 志愿者参加了有影响力的活动 A. 马里奥·洛伊德曼中学. They built portions of a farm, rehabbed a courtyard garden, and worked on bioretention areas. These efforts are not only about the physical changes they bring but also the inspiration and motivation they instill in our community. MCPS很自豪能够开发REACH(弹性), Education, Action, Climate, Loiederman的生境中心与 查尔斯·科纳城市农业保护协会, a nonprofit land trust dedicated to creating and supporting neighborhood farms that provide educational opportunities, 改善粮食安全, 建立社区联系, 促进土地保护. 仁人家园和其他县合作伙伴赞助了这次活动.  


Young girl holding up a globe; text reads MCPS 2024 youth climate summit, April 13, 2024

The third annual Youth Climate Summit was held on April 13, 2024 at Tilden Middle School. 几十名中学生聚集在一起学习气候变化, 他们如何才能成长为环保活动家, 以及他们如何在他们的社区中创建项目. 来自各种环境项目的演讲者对学生们进行了演讲, including NOAA, Earth Day, 公民气候游说团, 马里兰州环境与户外教育协会, MCPS可持续发展与合规部, MCCPTA可持续发展和绿色学校小组委员会, 蒙哥马利公园和学生全球大使计划. 这一天以学生们植树结束.

dsc赞助的Van Wrap比赛于3月1日结束. 获奖作品将于近期公布!

colors and shaps representing creativity; letters say art contest

威尼斯官网在线(MCPS)政策ECA, Sustainability, 说明我们全系统对环境可持续性的承诺. To support this policy, MCPS has purchased seven electric-powered cargo vans as fleet replacements. These electric vehicles will help reduce MCPS’s overall greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and support the 威尼斯人在线官网’s commitment to cut GHG emissions by 80% by 2027.

我们需要你的帮助来促进我们正在采取的保护环境的行动. DSC is sponsoring an art contest to find exciting designs to use as wraps for these new EV vans. 所有MCPS的学生和员工都被邀请参加比赛. 你的创意设计可以激励其他人更加关注可持续性!


四年级学生在S. 克里斯塔·麦考利夫小学

作为马里兰州500万棵树倡议的一部分,四年级学生在S. 克里斯塔·麦考利夫小学操场. 蒙哥马利县媒体报道,Maryam Shahzad.



If you missed the Fall Sustainability Symposium, click the image below to watch the presentation.


Nature Forward is offering two virtual 45-minute teacher trainings this winter to help you meet Maryland Green School certification requirements. These trainings will share ideas for simple in-school activities and projects you and your students can start to help "green" your school, 同时符合绿色学校申请的目标2.您是否正在为您的初始认证而努力, recertification, 或者只是寻找下一个伟大的活动,使你的学校更可持续发展, 我们会有很多想法来分享和讨论!

This training also meets the professional development requirement of the MDGS application. All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance that can be used toward MDGS certification.

提供两个日期,每个会议有不同的内容. 加入其中一个或两个! 

  • 第一部分:2023年12月12日星期二下午5点至5点45分.m.
    • Explore sustainability practices related to water conservation and solid waste reduction. 提前登记参加: http://tinyurl.com/3za3bm3k
  • 第二部分:2024年1月10日,星期三,下午5点到5点45分.m.


In partnership with the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), MCPS周三在盖瑟斯堡高中举行了学生环境志愿者日, November 1, 2023. 学生们在美化社区的同时也学习了可持续发展. 他们还通过种植来改善环境健康,在学校周围的雨水管理花园里种植了1000种本地植物和树木.  欲了解更多信息,请参见下面的视频.


MCPS students turned out to beautify Gaithersburg High School's grounds and protect the environment.



In April, MCPS可持续发展与合规部 (DSC) and the Outdoor Environmental Education Programs (OEEP) partnered with the Montgomery County Forestry Board and the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) Tree Montgomery program, and worked closely with Rocky Hill Middle School’s environmental club to plant eight shade trees at the school. 这个项目是在学校周围增加45棵新的遮荫树的更大努力的一部分. 遮荫树的好处是深远的,远远超出了学校的边界. The local actions by the students help them to reflect and ensure that our natural environment remains cleaner and preserved for the present and future generations. 

这种努力是……的一部分 MCPS政策ECA Sustainability, 其中包括采取“解决弹性和意识问题的措施”, such as increasing the tree canopy and outdoor educational spaces on MCPS properties and mitigating stormwater runoff.”




Montgomery County has unveiled a new website dedicated to the County's actions on climate change. 该网站提供了该县一系列气候规划, progress, 在一个下的动作, 简单易用的门户. 请按此浏览网站: http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/climate/


自1992年以来,蒙哥马利县每年10月都会庆祝“能源行动月”. 去年,他们把所有精力都集中在这句话上, “把一切!" Montgomery County has long been a national leader in responding to the challenge of climate change. 制定积极的温室气体减排目标, 该县的目标是到2027年减少80%的温室气体,到2035年减少100%.  解决气候变化影响的唯一方法是使一切都电气化. 欲了解更多信息,请 click here.


提供专业发展课程 学校申请 马里兰绿色学校 certification. Click here 并前往“员工资源”了解更多信息并注册.


On June 28, 2022, the 威尼斯官网在线 威尼斯人在线官网 unanimously adopted a transformative sustainability policy. Titled 政策ECA,可持续发展, the policy commits the school district to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 80% by 2027 and 100% by 2035 compared to 2005 levels, 与县里的一致 气候行动计划. To achieve this, 政策以环境可持续性为中心,贯穿于MCPS的各个方面, from the type of energy powering school buildings to the depth of climate change education students receive in the classroom.  

“这不仅仅是新建筑, it's the way we think about transportation … it's the way we think about our athletic fields. 我们收到过关于“草太长”的邮件。. That will become the norm: restoring the public space to natural space as part of climate initiatives,赛斯·亚当斯解释道, 设施管理部主任, at the 6月28日董事会业务会议. Click here 阅读全文发表于 我的绿色蒙哥马利.  


为感兴趣的人阅读重要的指导和资源 增加户外空间的利用 在学校网站上进行活动,包括午餐,休息和学习.




我的家人能做什么, friends, 在我们的日常生活中,我也在努力应对气候变化,创造一个更加 弹性蒙哥马利县?  要了解更多关于蒙哥马利县气候行动计划的信息, click here.
如果你错过了 以前的演讲或活动, click here 并向下滚动到“事件和演示文稿存档”以查看.



Please note that this Web page may contain links to one or more pages that are outside MCPS. MCPS不控制这些页面的内容或相关性.